Press Statement by investPenang Director Dato’ Seri Lee Kah Choon – 11 March 2019

GEORGE TOWN, Penang – Some factories in Penang have recently suspended their operations and downsized their work force due to the overall restructuring exercise industries have to undergo due to:
1) slower global economic growth & slower demand
2) business uncertainty due to the US-China trade war.
Malaysia will benefit from the relocation of investment out of China but will be negatively impacted if the world economy slows down & demand drops.
The opportunity for Penang is reallocation of our talent from sectors that are being impacted to sectors that are growing.
There are many local as well as foreign companies which have taken this opportunity to recruit new talents. They are working closely with Invest Penang in this recruitment initiative.
All talents are invited to send their resume to Invest Penang’s CAT Website (https://www.penangcatcentre.my/)
We will match them with suitable companies.
Dato’ Seri Lee Kah Choon
Special Investment Advisor to the Chief Minister
有很多本地及外国公司都借此机会招募新人才。他们现正与投资槟城(Invest Penang)密切合作,以进行招聘计划。