Elected reps all geared up to serve constituents

Elected reps all geared up to serve constituents

14 May 2018

THE expansion of Penang International Airport, implementation of Light Rail Transit (LRT) and securing investment top the agenda of newly elected Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin.

He said the airport needs to be upgraded and expanded to cater to the influx of tourists.

“I will also look into ways to secure investment for the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone (FIZ). We need to attract more investments in order to create more higher quality job opportunities,” he said.

Sim, from PKR, won the Bayan Baru parliamentary seat by a majority of 37,751 votes, beating Chuah Seng Guan (13,804) from Barisan Nasional, Iszuree Ibrahim (8,757) from PAS and David Yim Boon Leong (733) of the Malaysian United Party.

He also hoped that the proposed LRT in Bayan Baru would be approved soon to help alleviate traffic congestion in the area.

“I want to work on these three key areas first, which will create more job opportunities and improve the livelihood of the constituents,” he said.

PKR also retained all the three state seats under the Bayan Baru parliamentary seat.

Its new face Kumaresan Arumugam won the Batu Uban state seat with a majority of 17,273 votes, beating candidates from Barisan, PAS, PFP and MUP.

In Pantai Jerejak, PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution won with a majority of 10,716 votes, while Abdul Halim Hussain secured the Batu Maung state seat with a majority of 17,380 votes.

Meanwhile, Bagan Jermal DAP assemblyman Soon Lip Chee’s main task after being voted in would be to iron out the local issues for the people in his constituency.

“I will start working on issues involving the local council and government agencies to solve some long-term issues,” he said yesterday.

The former Jawi assemblyman won the Bagan Jermal seat by a 15,236-vote majority, beating his nearest rival from Barisan Nasional Ang Chor Keong.

Meanwhile, fourth term Sungai Puyu assemblyman Phee Boon Poh said now that the campaigning was over, his immediate concern was to unite the people.

“I will be going down to meet the people of all races and tell them to set aside their differences for the sake of unity.

“We are Malaysians and the election is over. Everyone should lead a peaceful and harmonious life,” he said.

Phee won the Sungai Puyu seat by a majority of 19,569 votes, beating Barisan Nasional’s Lim Hai Song who polled 2,136 votes.

Source: The Star

Photo: Penang International Airport

Photo Credit: Asia Travel News