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Malaysia: The Surprise Winner from US-China Chip Wars

Malaysia: The Surprise Winner from US-China Chip Wars

March 11, 2024 — Tension between Beijing and Washington over access to technology has prompted many companies to open factories in south-east Asia Shortly after a Chinese company opened up nearby, employees at Malaysian contract manufacturer Kemikon walked outside...


在9月的一個下午,筆者開車駛進檳城島東南部的峇六拜(Bayan Lepas)自由貿易工業區,我以英特爾(Intel)檳城廠為目的地,接著開車在園區一帶遊蕩,在廣闊的道路兩旁的盡是眾多國際科技大廠的廠房,除此之外,也能見到許多工地正在興建新的廠房,準備迎接新的科技廠商入駐。 這幅繁忙的景象,正是多年來被稱為東方矽谷的檳城,這裡不僅有50多年發展半導體產業的歷史,隨著近年美中對抗帶來的供應鏈重組,各方認為馬來西亞半導體廠產業能因此受益而再次起飛。...