‘No water rationing in Penang for ten years’

‘No water rationing in Penang for ten years’

19 March 2018

GEORGE TOWN: Penangites can be assured there will be no water rationing for the next 10 years after the Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBAPP) completes the new Butterworth-Penang Island Twin Submarine Pipeline project.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the RM125 million project comprises three packages, and that Package One has been completed.

He said Package One, which cost RM9.2 million, encompasses the laying of 0.9km of pipes in the Macallum area.

The main aim was to ensure efficient delivery of more treated water from the Sungai Dua Water Treatment plant to Penang Island, and also to replace pipes that were laid in 1973.

Packages Two and Three will include pipelines in Butterworth and also from Butterworth to the Macallum area respectively, and an open tender is expected to be called by May.

Lim said the project will benefit 500,000 people and thousands of businesses in areas from Greenlane to the Southwest district.

“Implementation of this project reflects our commitment by ensuring supply is ahead of demand,” he said after a technical visit to PBAPP today accompanied by Penang Water Supply Corporation chief executive officer Datuk Jaseni Maidinsa.

Jaseni said the entire project would be completed by 2020.

Source: The Sun Daily

Photo source: PBAPP website