Exemption From the Restriction of Movement Order – Update 2 (20 March 2020)

Exemption From the Restriction of Movement Order – Update 2 (20 March 2020)

20 March 2020

Date: 20 March 2020
Time: 8:30am

This is an update from InvestPenang on the current industrial situation with regards to the Restrictive Movement Order starting from 18th to 31st March 2020:
1) Industries that are listed in the ‘essential’ category are allowed to operate at a minimal level. This is to sustain the factories’ operations, instead of a total shut down and starting back up again.
2) As to what level is defined as sustainable, it will be up to the individual factories’ decision.
3) Some factories may choose for a total shut down due to various reasons such as:
a) workers refusing to work;
b) production may be futile as ancillary services such as logistics may not be working or at below efficiency level.
4) For Penang, most of the industries are in the essential categories such as food, medical devices and E&E. As a result, they are allowed to operate at a minimal level.

This is the best outcome in the current difficult situation.