2nd Penang Shared Services & Outsourcing Conference

Date: September 19, 2013
Venue: G Hotel, Penang
InvestPenang, together with Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) co-organised the 2nd Penang Shared Services and Outsourcing Conference. This conference offers a new perspective in the business area and updates on important issues.
Speakers, international and local from Altera, IHS, JP Morgan, KPMG, National Instruments, World Bank, BDO Malaysia and PEMANDU were invited to shared their knowledge and expertise about the global services and COEs best practices.
– Discover why Penang is fast becoming the preffered Emerging Shared Services and Outsourcing City in the Region.
– To learn the best practices in Shared Services and Outsourcing business and how it creates value to the organisation
– To understand what it takes to be successful global shared services and outsourcing player
– To learn how the organization position itself to be the Next Generation in Shared Services Centre and to learn the Centres of Excellence’s best practices
– To find out how the Global Economic and Financial Outlook impact businesses
Keynote Address
The Rt. Hon. Mr Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang
Road Mapping the growth of Business Services : Shared Services and Outsourcing (SSO) as the key driver for growth
Mr Yong Yoon Kit, Associate Director, National Key Economic Area (NKEA) – Business Services (PEMANDU)
Ms Fran Kienle, Vice President and Managing Director, Center of Excellence, Penang
The Escalating ICT Revolution and the Scope for ASEAN Regional Integration
Mr Raja Mikael Mitra, Senior Consultant, The World Bank Group and ADB