Covid-19 Best Practice Measures by Penang State Government & CREST

Sep 6 – The Penang State Government welcomes the initiative by Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST) to introduce access to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) from CREST member companies and a consolidated Covid-19 Management Best Practice SOP, with the aim of assisting small medium enterprises (SMEs) in the state to operate safely and optimally.
In conjunction with the announcement, a focus group headed by YB Dato’ Hj Abdul Halim Hussain, Penang State Exco for Trade, Industry & Entrepreneur Development will lead this initiative under the patronage of the Penang State Government by providing advisory support to SMEs in the state of Penang to combat the spread of Covid-19.
The focus group [consists of representatives from CREST and its member companies, the Penang Covid-19 Immunisation Focus Group, Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF), Ministry of International Trade (MITI) Penang, InvestPenang, Penang Development Corporation (PDC) and Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers(FMM)] will play an instrumental role as a channel of communication between state authorities and the industries for matters related to Covid-19 control plans and procedures to ensure operational safety of businesses.
For Covid-19 Management Best Practice, click HERE
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