App-solutely amazing win

App-solutely amazing win

30 April 2018

INTI International College Penang students won the regional app award at a Code-a-Thon in Singapore.

Five students pursuing their Bachelor of Science degree won the ‘Most Socially Impactful Award’ under the university category of the hackathon organised by Code for Asia Singapore.

They grabbed a cash prize of S$500 for their app dubbed ‘The FriendZone,’ a virtual game that brings two players together anonymously to complete a challenge by working together and complementing each other’s skills.

The regional event drew students from secondary schools, colleges and universities as well as experienced coders from across the Asean region.

Inti Penang computer science and computing degree programme head Dr Lim Chia Yean said the aim of the virtual game was to emphasise that gender does not determine success but rather the willingness to work together.

“Besides creating an app, the students were also required to successfully pitch their idea.

“They had to present their case study and create a viable business plan to market the app.

“We are very proud of our students, who have demonstrated skills in addressing social issues through the use of technology.

“To have them win at this international level is amazing,” she said in a statement.

Inti Penang chief executive Hemalatha Murugiah said the students were able to address 21st century challenges with the use of technology.

Source: The Star

Photo Credit: The Star