Talent Dialogue Series: Strategizing TVET & STEM Talents

Talent Dialogue Series: Strategizing TVET & STEM Talents

13 April 2023

InvestPenang, in partnership with PSDC and Penang STEM, would like to invite you to join our upcoming Talent Dialogue Series titled “Strategizing TVET & STEM Talents”. This session will be held on 13 April 2023 at 10am to 4pm @ PSDC Auditorium.



This dialogue session will provide you information on:

  • various TVET offerings available;
  • financial assistance to support companies’ talent development programs; and
  • collaborative opportunities with Penang STEM in their school outreach programs.



Who should attend?
C-suite, HR Management, HRBP



SAVE YOUR SPOT NOW! (RSVP by 06 April 2023)

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