GBS 1.5 Talk Series #3 – Digital Economy: Industry Outlook and Support & Funding Opportunities

GBS 1.5 Talk Series #3 – Digital Economy: Industry Outlook and Support & Funding Opportunities

11 August 2021

InvestPenang in collaboration with Penang GBS Focus Group will be organizing a GBS 1.5 Talk Series #3 entitledDigital Economy: Industry Outlook and Support & Funding Opportunities” on Thursday, 26th August 2021 at 3.00 pm – 4.45 pm.


This is the 3rd webinar series that InvestPenang and GBS Focus Group are hosting. In partnership with MDEC and in-conjunction with Malaysia Tech Months 2021, the virtual session aims to provide a platform for business leaders, professionals and consultants related to digital economy industry including Global Business Services (GBS), ICT/Technology & Services to:


• Explore the current happenings in the digital economy industry globally.
• Discover the key highlights in Malaysia’s digital economy industry and Penang’s competitive edge in supporting the ecosystem.
• Find out the available financial and support programme for your businesses.


Don’t miss this opportunity to stay updated with the latest government assistance schemes for businesses!


We look forward for your good-self and your team to join us and benefit from this forum. Feel free to invite your network to join us virtually by extending this invitation, with no physical boundary and space limitation!


Join us to find out more! Please register HERE or scan the following QR code:




Time Details
3.00 pm Introduction & Opening Remarks by Dato’ Seri Lee Kah Choon, Special Investment Advisor to the Chief Minister of Penang
3.10 pm Digital State and Global Trends

Speaker: Vinod Krishnan, Director, Consulting, Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd                 

 Today, the world is increasingly digital from the way societies interact, to how businesses operate and how public services are delivered. The immense speed and reach of digitalisation in recent years is unprecedented. Governments have leveraged new digital technologies in their responses to the COVID-19 crisis accelerating digital adoption.

Join us in this session to understand how digital transforms governments and businesses and the key global trends.

3.20 pm MDEC Turns 25: What’s Next for Malaysia’s Digital Economy?

Speaker: Raymond Siva, Senior Vice President, Investment and Brand & Chief Marketing Officer, MDEC

 Malaysia’s digital economy is maturing and its contribution to national gross domestic product (GDP) for 2019 was recorded at 19.1% or RM289.2bil.  As a comparison, Malaysia’s Oil and Gas sector’s contribution to the national GDP stood at approximately 20% in the same period. However more needs to be done to push the lever further in order to achieve the 22.6% GDP contribution target as outlined in the MyDigital blueprint.

Join us in this session with Raymond Siva, MDEC’s C-level executive, to understand their game plan for the next 5 years and identified areas for growth.

3.30 pm Covid Digital Disruption office: How GBS Focus Group is supporting the industry ecosystem

Speaker: Amar Chhajer, Deputy Chair Northern Region, GBS Focus Group (GFG) & Country Head – UST Malaysia.

 According to MDEC, Global business services (GBS) companies are the largest contributor in MSC Malaysia’s performance, adding up to 50 per cent of investments, 66 per cent of exports, and 61 per cent of jobs created. With Covid 19-pandemic, the opportunities created in the space of GBS is enormous.

As one of the key leaders in GBS industry in Penang and also a deputy chair of GFG Focus Group, Amar will share from the industry perspective on how the GBS companies in Penang are preparing for the unprecedented growth triggered by the new “CDO – Covid Digital Disruption office and how Penang GFG able to provide support to companies and promote synergistic partnerships to help the industry grow.

3.40 pm Upskill your employees and improve your capabilities as an employer to take your business to the next level

Speaker: Muhamad Hafez Bin Kamaruddin, Deputy Chief Strategy HRD Corp

HRD Corp, under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) is visioning to ensure every Malaysian trained and employable. Holding true to its mandate as the custodian and an authoritative institution to catalyse the development of a competent workforce, HRD Corp has been introducing vigorous initiatives and robust programmes in addition to overseeing the creation and growth of quality local human capital to meet the demands of a digitalised global economy. Our missions have evolved to also include driving employment and industrial training placements, career coaching and developing income generating opportunities for Malaysians from a diverse range of skillsets, backgrounds and capabilities.

Join our session with Muhamad Hafez bin Kamaruddin, Deputy Chief Strategy HRD Corp, to learn more on HRD Corp offerings that will foster your employees’ lifelong learning and how they will be your strongest assets.

3.50 pm NCER Talent Enhancement Programme (NTEP@NCER) & Jom Kerja@NCER

Speaker: George Zachariah, Head of NCER Talent Enhancement Programme & JomKerja@NCER, NCIA

NCER Talent Enhancement Programme (NTEP) is a human capital incentive programme to enhance employability and provides job opportunities to unemployed graduates via private sector partners. This incentive is also tailored to boost the employability of local graduates, unemployed graduates, retrenched workers, contract workers, part-time workers and graduate trainees by providing them with job opportunities while ensuring a skilled workforce which matches the industry needs within NCER.

Do join us to understand how NTEP@NCER initiative can benefit your organisation and employees.

4.00 pm Panel Session “Digital Economy: Future Outlook & Funding Opportunities”

 Moderator: Vinod Krishnan, Director, Consulting, Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn. Bhd.       


  • Dato’ Seri Lee Kah Choon, Special Investment Advisor to the Chief Minister of Penang
  • Raymond Siva, Senior Vice President, Investment and Brand & Chief Marketing Officer, MDEC
  • Amar Chhajer, Deputy Chair Northern Region, GBS Focus Group (GFG) & Country Head – UST Malaysia
  • Muhamad Hafez Bin Kamaruddin, Deputy Chief Strategy HRD Corp
  • George Zachariah, Head of NCER Talent Enhancement Programme & JomKerja@NCER, NCIA
4.45 pm End of event


Should you require further info pertaining to this webinar, please email to


For more details of the Malaysia Tech Months please log into Malaysia Tech Month.



About GBS 1.5 Series
InvestPenang is organizing a series of GBS webinar aimed to  further drive Penang’s GBS industry and in ensuring Penang remains as a preferred economic and investment destination. The objective of this event is to promote best practices learning across the MNCs, PLCs, and SMEs within the Global Business Services landscape.